Indian Journal of Arbitration Law Publishes Borrasso Article On Arbitrator Bias and Evident Partiality
Ava Borrasso’s article titled “Arbitrator Bias and Evident Partiality: The United States Perspective” has been published by the Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (IJAL) in its February 2024 issue. The article discusses recent US court decisions involving claims of arbitrator bias as a basis to set-aside or vacate an arbitration award.
IJAL “is a biannual, open-access, student-reviewed journal published by the Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law (CARTAL). It is the leading Indian journal on arbitration law, and an excellent source of reference in the field. It is indexed on numerous online legal databases including Kluwer Arbitration, Westlaw, HeinOnline and SCC Online.” Volume 12 | Issue 1 may be accessed here.